Nonlinear buckling analysis steps of T-type frame based upon ANSYS finite element analysis software are introduced. Combined calculation example conclusion that this unstable structure is sensitive to initial imperfection is obtained, which can be used as instruction for engineering design. 介绍了基于ANSYS有限元分析软件对Γ形框架结构的非线性屈曲分析步骤,并列举了工程算例,得出了该不稳定屈曲结构对初始缺陷敏感的结论,并对工程设计提出了指导性建议。
Group C accepted no special treatment except the initial oral hygiene instruction. C组仅在初诊时进行口腔卫生指导,其余不作处理。
Found a nation initial stage, in "have the initiative to develop heavy industry" under the instruction of policy, the our country steel industry gets instauration and development, and this kind of development is health and rational. 建国初期,在优先发展重工业方针的指导下,我国钢铁工业得到恢复和发展,而且这种发展是健康和理性的。
But the security market is still in the initial stage in China, its volatility and risk are far higher than the foreign mature security market. So predicting the share price accurately for investment decisions has very important instruction meanings. 我国的证券市场目前还处于发展的初始阶段,其波动性和风险性都远远高于国外的成熟市场,因此准确地预测股价对于投资决策具有十分重要的指导意义。